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6. The Taste Test




This test was carried out in order to finally conclude which products, Maltese or foreign, tasted better. We prepared some slices of both the local and foreign fruits and vegetable and then served them to a number of people around our school in order to get their opinion on which has the better flavour.


Apparatus and Materials




Fruits and vegetables to be tested




1. Some local and foreign tomatoes were sliced into small pieces.

2. A tray was labelled 'A' and another one 'B'.

3. The foreign tomato slices were placed onto Tray A and the local tomato slices were placed onto Tray B.

4. The tomato slices were served to a number of people, without letting them know which tray held local tomatoes and which one held foreign ones, and their preference was noted.

5. The experiment wa repeated with oranges, cucumbers and lemons.

6. The results were recorded in tables.

Food Tests

Comparing the nutritional value

of local and foreign produce

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